So, I’m finding it difficult to post as often as I’d like. I know that everyone uses excuses such as “there’s a lot going on right now” but, I suppose that’s because that’s how we all feel. Still, I think it’s important to make the distinction that I’m not blogging, because there are a lot of other things I’m prioritizing.

I’m still doing tarot, doing a reading for myself almost every day. And, I’m trying to be outside as much as I can in this weather that I’ve been waiting for. I even do my class-prep on the balcony in the sun, squinting against the glare of the sun to see my monitory. In addition to trying to learn to identify all the plants that are showing themselves (and failing), I’m also still very busy learning (and, reciting) poetry.

In fact, I have a bit of an announcement to make. I now claim to know the Lorax, by Dr. Seuss, by memory. I’d been taking it on runs and reciting it in parts to Hofgaard, my poor anchor tree for what feels like weeks. So, it’s nice to add that to my list of poems I know by heart.

I have been enjoying the changing of the seasons, however, and wanted to share some of my favorite photos. Starting, of course, with an updated photo of Hofgaard. (Which is, of course, still out of date. Once he started leafing, he started doing it so quickly. It’s really a pleasure to watch.)

Hofgaard leafing out

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